The recipient expressed his joy about the award with the following words: "I feel deeply honoured to receive this prestigious award. It pays tribute to an outstanding Roman Catholic scholar in the field of conciliar history, Giuseppe Alberigo (1926-2007). Since I, as a Protestant church historian, deal intensively with the early councils in the award-winning book and in my other research, it brings me particular joy that the jury recognizes my work with this award, thus sending an important ecumenical signal."
The award-winning book A History of Early Christian Creeds (De Gruyter, to be published on July 1, 2024) is the first comprehensive scholarly presentation of the history of early Christian creeds in over fifty years. It describes the origin and development of creedal texts from the New Testament to the fully developed classical formulas of the fourth century and their usage up to the time of Charlemagne.
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