New Bonn International Fellow1
From 7 to 20 October, the Faculty welcomes Prof. Dr. Jay Geller from the US
New Team Member of the New Testament2
Ruben Bühner comes to Bonn for two years from October as part of the "Argelander Starter-Kit Grant – Stepping Stone" program
"Ersti-Welcome" for New Students on October 43
A great opportunity to get to know your university and socialise with fellow students: The "Ersti-Welcome" of the university with official welcome through the rector, info market and party.
Falling Walls 2023 Science Breakthrough4
Matthias Braun one of ten winners in the Social Sciences and Humanities category of the Falling Walls 2023s Science Breakthroughs
Aneke Dornbusch Wins REFORC Paper Award 20235
The paper will be published soon in REFORC's publication organs
Thinking Tools on AI, Religion & Culture6
New book by visiting professor Heidi A Campbell
Impressions from Unifest 20237
This year's Unifest took place on 8 July on the Hofgartenwiese
Excursion to Geneva and Bossey8
A group of students from the Protestant Theological Faculty traveled to Switzerland to visit the World Council of Churches and the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey
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