22. June 2024

What Christians Believe What Christians Believe

A comprehensive new reference work, “A History of Early Christian Creeds”, written by Professor Wolfram Kinzig, has now been published by De Gruyter.

A History of Early Christian Creeds
A History of Early Christian Creeds © De Gruyter
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This is the first comprehensive scholarly treatment of the history of early Christian creeds for more than fifty years. The book contains an account of their origin and development from the credal texts in the New Testament to the fully-fledged classical formulae of the fourth century. It includes the creeds’ use and alteration in subsequent periods until the time of Charlemagne and the beginnings of the filioque controversy. In addition, it includes a commentary on the most common ancient confessions, the Nicene Creed, the Creed of Constantinople, and the Apostles’ Creed. The book also contains chapters dedicated to the use of creeds in law, art, and music, in everyday life, and even in magic. Credal developments in the eastern churches beyond the borders of the Roman Empire are also discussed.

For more information: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110318531/html?lang=de#overview

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