Call for Papers and Sessions

SBL Annual Meeting 2025

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© Athanasios Despotis
Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© A. Despotis

Our seminar is pleased to announce four sessions at the upcoming SBL-AAR Annual Meeting in Boston, MA (November 22–25, 2025), and we invite proposals for the following topics:

Revelation and Reason: Two Sources of Knowledge? Reconsidering this classical dilemma as it appears in ancient philosophical texts.
Fresh Perspectives on Epicureanism and Early Christianity: Exploring intersections in communities, ethics, and epistles.
Critical Approaches to the Oxford Handbook of Deification (2024): A joint session with the AAR Platonism and Neoplatonism Unit.

Additionally, we cosponsor an invited panel with the SBL Intertextuality in the New Testament Unit on Brokins’ Recent Monograph, Rediscovering the Wisdom of the Corinthians: Paul, Stoicism, and Spiritual Hierarchy (Eerdmans, 2024).

We encourage you to submit your proposal via the SBL homepage:

Additionally, we warmly invite you to join the corresponding SNTS seminar, Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity, which will take place in Regensburg from August 5–9, 2025.

PAST ANNUAL MEETINGS    2024 (San Diego)

Joint Session: Religion and Philosophy in Antiquity / Pseudepigrapha

1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Indigo 206 (Second Level)

Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, Universität Bern - Université de Berne, Presiding

Maren R. Niehoff, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Freedom in Epictetus and Philo of Alexandria (30 min)
Tag(s): Pauline Epistles - Romans (Biblical Literature - New Testament), Tosefta (Early Jewish Literature - Rabbinic Literature), Other Rabbinic Works - Haggadic Midrashim (Early Jewish Literature - Rabbinic Literature)

MARIA PAZARSKI, Supreme Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens
Freedom in the Light of Philo of Alexandria in the Treatise "Περί του πάντα σπουδαίον ελεύθερονείναι" (30 min)
Tag(s): Philo (Early Jewish Literature - Other)

Elsa Simonetti, École Pratique des Hautes Études
Freedom and salus in Seneca (30 min)
Tag(s): Greco-Roman Literature (Greco-Roman Literature), Latin (Philology / Linguistics (incl. Semiotics)), Roman Empire (History & Culture)

Grant Macaskill, University of Aberdeen
Cosmogony, Astrology, and Determinism in 2 Enoch and Bardaisan of Edessa (30 min)
Tag(s): Apocalyptic Literature and Related Works (Early Jewish Literature - Jewish Pseudepigrapha), Syriac (Philology / Linguistics (incl. Semiotics)), Roman Empire (History & Culture)

Joint Session: Religion and Philosophy in Antiquity / Biblical Exegesis from Eastern Orthodox Perspectives

1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
28A (Upper Level East)

Leslie Baynes, Missouri State University, Presiding
Lee McDonald, Acadia Divinity College
The Notion of Inspiration in Classical, Hellenistic Jewish, and Early Christianity (25 min)
Tag(s): Greco-Roman Literature (Greco-Roman Literature), Early Christian Literature (Early Christian Literature - Other), Philo (Early Jewish Literature - Other)

Najeeb T Haddad, Notre Dame of Maryland University
The Hellenistic Jewish Speculative Tradition: Philo, Paul, and Divine Inspiriation (25 min)
Tag(s): Philo (Early Jewish Literature - Other), Pauline Epistles (Biblical Literature - New Testament)


Kampotela Luc Bulundwe, University of Geneva

From Authors to Texts: Divine Inspiration (Θεόπνευστος) and the Formation of the Pauline Corpus (25 min)

Tag(s): New Testament (Biblical Literature - New Testament), Philo (Early Jewish Literature - Other), Pauline Epistles - 2 Timothy (Biblical Literature - New Testament)

Isaac Hedstrom, Saint Louis University
Scripture and the Divine Persons: Inspiration in Nyssian Apophatism (25 min)
Tag(s): Early Christian Literature (Early Christian Literature - Other)

Hindy Najman, University of Oxford and Elizabeth Stell, Oxford University
Pseudepigrapha and Inspired Aspirations (25 min)
Tag(s): Biblical Interpretations (Early Jewish Literature - Dead Sea Scrolls), Apocrypha (Early Christian Literature - Apocrypha), Comparative Approaches (Interpretive Approaches)

Athanasios Despotis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
The Logos and Inspiration According to Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John (25 min)
Tag(s): Gospels - John (Biblical Literature - New Testament)

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Grand D (Fourth Floor)

Athanasios Despotis, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Presiding

Luisa Lesage Gárriga, Universidad de Córdoba (España)
Plutarch and the Dread of the Divine (30 min)
Tag(s): Greco-Roman Literature (Greco-Roman Literature), Hellenistic Period (History & Culture), Theological Interpretation (Interpretive Approaches)

Constantin-Daniel Cosereanu, University of Halle
Criticism of Superstition in Seneca, Philo, and Clement of Alexandria (30 min)
Tag(s): Greece/Greek (Greco-Roman Literature), Early Christian Literature (Early Christian Literature - Other), History of Christianity (History & Culture)

Martin Meiser, Universität des Saarlandes
Deisidaimonia in Ancient Inter-religious Controversies and in Inner-Christian Parenesis (30 min)
Tag(s): Christian (Ideology & Theology), History of Christianity (History & Culture), Religious Traditions and Scriptures (History of Interpretation / Reception History / Reception Criticism)

Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, Universität Bern - Université de Berne and Stefano De Feo, Universität Bern - Université de Berne
Superstition and Eschatological Ideas in the Early Imperial Philosophy (30 min)
Tag(s): Greco-Roman Literature (Greco-Roman Literature), Greco-Roman Period (History & Culture), Greek

Clare Rothschild, Lewis University, Presiding

Travis R. Niles, Universität Bern - Université de Berne
Jesus and the Cynics: Criticizing Conventional Religion (25 min)
Tag(s): Gospels (Biblical Literature - New Testament), Greco-Roman Literature (Greco-Roman Literature), Comparative Approaches (Interpretive Approaches)
Discussion (5 min)

Roi Ziv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Become My Imitators”: Paul’s Cynic Philosophy of Education in 1 Cor 1–4 (25 min)
Tag(s): Pauline Epistles - 1 Corinthians (Biblical Literature - New Testament), Greco-Roman Literature (Greco-Roman Literature), Comparative Approaches (Interpretive Approaches)
Discussion (5 min)

Nelida Naveros Cordova, Spring Hill College
Law and Freedom: Similarities and Differences between Paul and Demetrius the Cynic (25 min)
Tag(s): Pauline Epistles (Biblical Literature - New Testament), Religio-Historical Approaches (Interpretive Approaches)
Discussion (5 min)

Susan Prince, University of Cincinnati
Anecdotes of Diogenes in Patristic Literature (25 min)
Tag(s): 1 Esdras (Biblical Literature - Deuterocanonical Works)
Discussion (5 min)

Marius Timmann Mjaaland, University of Oslo
Cynicism and Inner Freedom in Evagrios’ Theoria Physiké (30 min)
Tag(s): 1 Esdras (Biblical Literature - Deuterocanonical Works)

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