12. Dezember 2023

Visiting Fellowship Visiting Fellowship

The Social Ethics Group Visiting Fellowship is awarded annually to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers to visit the Social Ethics Group at the University of Bonn.

Call Visiting Fellowship
Call Visiting Fellowship © Volker Lannert / University of Bonn
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The fellowship is granted to promote research on key concepts of ethics such as justice, solidarity, care or vulnerability, and their relation to digital practices such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Twins, or other fields. We extend invitations to visiting scholars to join us for a four-week residency with the Social Ethics Group in Bonn, to work on research projects linked to the Group’s research areas. Scholars from all academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply – all disciplines are welcome! Further details can be found in the attached file.

The next deadline for the Visiting Fellowship in 2024 is February 1st.

To apply for the fellowship please submit the following:

  • short statement summarizing your research interests and aims for the research stay as well as provisional dates of arrival and departure;
  • 2-page CV, including the name of one referee (who may be contacted if your application is short-listed).

The application should be sent via email: ethics@uni-bonn.de


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