Data Protection Policy

I. Name and Address of the Data Controller

The data controller (hereinafter: 'Controller') as mandated by the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws from member states as well as other regulations relevant to data protection is:

University of Bonn
Faculty of Protestant Theology
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn

The Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Bonn is legally represented by the Dean.

Phone: +49 (0)228 73-7366
Internet: www.etf.uni-bonn.de1

II. Name and Address of the Data Protection Officer 

The data protection officer of the Controller is:

Dr. Jörg Hartmann
Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn

You can find the complete data protection policy here 2as a PDF file for download (German).

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