Dr. Aneke Dornbusch

Aneke Dornbusch is a research assistant at the subdepartment of Modern Church History at the Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Bonn.

Consultation hours SoSe 24: Monday, 1-2 pm ("Open Door" without registration)

Individual appointments at other times can be arranged via e-mail.


  • 1991 born in Melle
  • 2011-2018 Studies in Protestant Theology in Göttingen and London
  • 2018-2022 Doctoral studies in Göttingen, at the same time repetiteur of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Hanover
  • 2022 Doctorate; Doctoral thesis: "Hermann Dörries (1895-1977) - Ein Kirchenhistoriker im Wandel der politischen Systeme Deutschlands" (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Peter Gemeinhardt)
  • Since 2022 Research assistant (post-doc) at the University of Bonn, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Chair of Modern Church History
  • Currently Chair of the Representation of the interests of mid-level academic staff at Protestant theological faculties and institutesin Germany (IVWM)

Aneke Dornbusch
© Lisa Bössen
Münzen I
© Aneke Dornbusch / Universität Bonn

Research Interests

  • Contemporary church history
  • History of theology in the 20th century
  • Reformatory heterodoxy in the early Reformation (Argelander Starter Kit Grand "Netzwerke der Diffamierung und Verfolgung reformatorischer Devianz in Süddeutschland, 1525–1530")
  • Digital humanities in Reformation research (Project Group of the WGTh "Networks in Church History and Theology")

"Netzwerke der Diffamierung und Verfolgung reformatorischer Devianz in Süddeutschland, 1525–1530"  (Networks of Defamation and Persecution of Reformatory Deviance in South Germany)

The aim of this project is to analyse processes of defamation and persecution of deviant reformatory movements, such as the Anabaptists, in southern German imperial cities in the early Reformation period. The project wants to explore how these processes took place supra-regionally and as a “joint effort” of these cities, which were themselves in the process of forming a protestant identity. The project investigates the thesis that “persecution networks” were established, With the help of these networks, stereotypes of the “others” were spread, information was exchanged and concrete persecution was made possible. Methodologically, the project works with the concept of “othering” from social sciences as well as  aspects from social network analysis.

Within the project, the relevant sources, especially letters, are collected and analysed using a  database created with Nodegoat. The project contributes to the research of religious conflict and violence against (religious) minorities.

Münzen II
Coins from Münster during the Anabaptist Reign (British Museum) © Aneke Dornbusch / Universität Bonn


Aneke Dornbusch has won the REFORC Paper Award 2023 for her paper “Concerning the Defamation and Execution of the ‘Radical’ Ludwig Hätzer (1500-1529): An Attempt at Using Social Network Analysis on Small Samples” . The article has now been published in the Journal of Early Modern Christianity.

For a list of publications by Aneke Dornbusch please refer to the German version of this website.


Avatar Dornbusch

Dr. Aneke Dornbusch

3 .160

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Consultation Hours

Monday, 1-2 pm ("Open Door" without registration)

Individual appointments at other times can be arranged via e-mail.

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