Gender Equality

The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a family-friendly university and aims to increase the number of women employed in areas where women are under-represented and to promote their careers.

To that end, we encourage women to further their qualifications in Protestant theology – financial support options can be found on the website of the Gender Equality Office.

Gender Equality at the Faculty of Protestant Theology

There are two Gender Equality Commissioners at the Faculty to support the work of the University’s Gender Equality Commissioners. They are involved in particular in the hiring and recruitment activities of the Protestant Theology Faculty.

If you have any questions or problems related to gender equality, you can contact us at any time.

Office Hours

Please contact the Gender Equality Office by e-mail.

Diversity Paper

The Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn is home to many different people learning and working together. As well as acknowledging this as a fact, we also appreciate the diversity that we see on a daily basis: the realization that we are all equal but definitely not the same.

For this reason, a diversity paper was adopted at the Faculty Council meeting on 7 July 2021 – you can download it as a PDF file.

On Divers Detours

The project "On divers detours? Narrating biographical challenges in theology" aims to raise awareness of and make visible the different career and life paths of female and queer theologians. For this purpose, stories, fictionalised biographical descriptions beyond the cis-male, white and heterosexual majority of theologians will be collected and evaluated in a digital booklet. We hope that by collecting and analysing these stories, we will be able to better identify structural obstacles for female and queer theologians and counteract them with targeted measures in the future. Part of the project is a workshop at the end, where the results, accompanied by expert lectures, will be presented and discussed.

Responsible for the project: Dean Prof. Richter, Anja Block (Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Protestant Theology), Ann-Kathrin Armbruster (Project Manager for Faculty Development/ExU).

On 29 April 2022, the faculty-internal kick-off workshop took place from 9-12 am in lecture hall VII. Details can be found here.

If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail:

See also

Equal Opportunities Office

You can find the University's Gender Equality Commissioner on the website of the Equal Opportunities Office.

Student Advising

In addition to the information on our website, we are happy to offer you personal advising.

Dean's office

The Faculty is headed by the Dean, two Vice-Deans, and the Faculty Council.

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