
The Ecumenical Institute explores various issues in and with the diversity of Christian churches and groups. This takes place in the following areas: A) Intra-protestant ecumenism (including the inclusion of new phenomena such as post-confessionalism); B) Inter-confessional (intra-Christian) ecumenism, especially in Europe; C) Global ecumenism combined with an intercultural-theological orientation (including World Christianity Studies).

A) Intra-Protestant Ecumenism

I) Exchanges with Eastern European Theology

Financing and support of regular exchanges with the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague and the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (Protestant, Orthodox, Old Catholic and Evangelical Theology).

II) Theology, Literary Studies and Art Studies

The transition between theology, literary studies and art studies will be examined in more detail, particularly in exchange with researchers from Eastern Europe and Great Britain, with a focus on materiality.

Projects to date:

  • Ikonen, Kreuze, Rosenkränze. Material/Dogmatische Hermeneutiken des Religiösen, Workshop, 12./13.07.2024 in Bonn (poster).
  • gemeinsam mit dem Institute of Hermeneutics: Liturgy and Theology. An Argentine-German Exchange, Workshop, 7./8.02.2024 in Bonn (poster).
  • Religion und Kunst / Summerschool Religion und Medien 2022: seminar at the documenta 15 in Kassel, SoSe 2022.

B) Inter-Confessional Ecumenism

III) Protestant and Catholic History of Theology

The methodology and task of the history of theology are examined in close cooperation with catholic theology in terms of content and organization. The long-term goal is to write a coherent systematic theological history of theology.

Projects to date:

  • Wie und wozu Theologiegeschichte schreiben?, conference, 29.06.-01.07.2023 in Bonn (poster).
  • Theologie nach 1945. Akteure, Ideen, Strukturen. Modernisierungsprozesse und -konflikte aus ökumenischer Perspektive, Workshop, 15./16.07.2022 in Cologne (flyer).
  • Lecture series: (Bonner) Wege der Theologie in die/der Moderne. Ökumenische Perspektiven, SoSe 2022 in Bonn (poster)

IV) The Theology of Dorothee Sölle

In cooperation with the Institute for Protestant Theology and the Institute for Catholic Theology at the University of Cologne, Dorothee Sölle's theology and its history of influence, including its ecumenical orientation and broad impact on Protestant theologies, will be examined.

Projects to date:

Dorothee Sölle und das Politische Nachtgebet, Workshop, 02./03.02.2024 in Cologne (flyer).
Dorothee Sölle – Die Anfänge, Workshop, 03./04.02.2023 in Cologne (flyer).

Research network: The Theology of Dorothee Sölle and its History of Influence (website).

V) Bonn Sermon Award            

The Ecumenical Institute supports the Bonn Sermon Prize. It is awarded once a year in two categories at the Schlosskirche in Bonn: For the best sermon and for lifetime achievement (website).

C) Global Ecumenism

VI) What Does Theology Do, Actually?

In cooperation with the depatment in development of Intercultural Theology, a symposium and book series is organized. It is devoted to transcultural and transdisciplinary analysis of evolving forms and functions of the traditional Christian-theological disciplines. (website).


The Global Network for Excellence in Theology (G_NET) supports co-operations among scholars working on topics in intercultural theology, ecumenism, and religious studie

Previously located at the Department of Intercultural Theology, which is currently being established, it is to be continued at the Ecumenical Institute (website).

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