26. September 2024

Networking conference Networking conference

Denise Wallat and Lorenz Garbe attended the first Systematic Theology Networking Conference in Göttingen from September 2 to 3, 2024.

Vernetzungstagung Systematische Theologie
Vernetzungstagung Systematische Theologie © Denise Wallat
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Around 40 doctoral and post-doctoral students presented and discussed their projects, talked about chances and challenges in academia and, above all, exchanged ideas and met with other people interested in Systematic Theology. 

As the conference in Göttingen was a great success, there will be another networking meeting next year – possibly in Bonn. We are very much looking forward to it!

Vernetzungstagung ST
Vernetzungstagung ST © Denise Wallat
Vernetzungstagung ST
Vernetzungstagung ST © Denise Wallat
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