18. September 2024

Coming soon: Bonn Ethics Lab Coming soon: Bonn Ethics Lab

New interdisciplinary teaching project of the Social Ethics Group approved

Bonn Ethics Lab
Bonn Ethics Lab © Pixabay
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Students will soon be invited to research ethical issues in close collaboration with researchers from various disciplines and then present their findings to the public:

The Bonn Ethics Lab, headed by Prof. Matthias Braun, Hannah Bleher, Eva Maria Hille and Daniela Langen and in collaboration with Prof. Maren Bennewitz (Humanoid Robots Lab), Prof. Susanne Gössel (Institute for Private International Law and Comparative Law) and Prof. Christiane Woopen (Center for Life Ethics), is being funded over two years as part of the vielfältig.nachhaltig.digital project line.

The Bonn Ethics Lab combines explorative learning, peer learning and individual coaching to give students the opportunity to research ethical issues independently and in an interdisciplinary exchange. They are not only supported by researchers in terms of content, but also in preparing their results for a broad public: through a social media post, a short video or a podcast contribution, or as part of a conference or live performance such as a science slam.

We are very happy about the funding and look forward to the launch of the Bonn Ethics Lab in the summer semester of 2025!

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