Jeremy Punt joined Stellenbosch University in 2004 where he is Professor of New Testament, after having taught at the University of Fort Hare since 1991.
He is a member of the NT Society of Southern Africa, Classical Society of SA, Society of Biblical Literature, European Association of Biblical Studies, and SNTS. He is the SA spokesperson of the IRTG Transformative Religion in which four universities (including Humboldt University, Berlin) participate.
His work focuses on biblical hermeneutics, past and present, including critical theory in interpretation, the intersection of biblical and cultural studies, and on the significance of contextual configurations of power and gender, and social systems and identifications for biblical interpretation.
In 2015 he published "Postcolonial biblical interpretation. Reframing Paul" (Brill). He also regularly contributes to academic journals and book publications.
Jeremy will be in Bonn in January 2025 as part of the Argelander Academy project "Dis/abled Bodies in Ethical Texts of the Ancient Mediterranean." He will give a paper on body rhetorical in 2 Corinthians 11 at the project symposium on January 17th (details to come).